Stevović, VladetaTomić, DaliborMarjanović, MilošTrifunović, BLazarević, ĐorđePavlović, NenadMadic, Milomirka2024-07-292024-07-292023-10-05978‐86‐87611‐88‐7 International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2023” Saopštenje sa međunarodnog skupa štampano u celini M33The paper shows the influence of the mixture cultivation of field peas and oats on the degree of crop weediness and forage and hay yield. Domestic varieties, NS Junior field peas and Lovćen oats were used in the experiment. The trial variants were: field peas in monoculture, oats in monoculture, field peas and oats in the ratio 75% : 25% and field peas and oats in the ratio 50% : 50%. The determination of weed species and the determination of their abundance were carried out at a field pea height of 15-20 cm. After harvesting the crops in the optimal phase, the forage yield, hay yield, the share of hay, as well as the percentage mass share of field peas, oats and weeds in the total yield of hay were determined. A significantly higher yield of hay was recorded on all other variants compared to the pure field pea crop. In the variants with mixture crops, compared to pure crops, a lower number of weed plants per unit area was recorded in the stem growth phase. However, no significant impact of competition on the mass share of weeds at the moment of mowing was recorded, in spite of the noted presence of a tendency to decrease their.enCC0 1.0 Universal cropoatsfield peasyieldweeds.WEEDNESS AND FORAGE YIELD OF FIELD PEAS AND OATS MIXTURE CROPconferenceObject